Last Updated on May 29, 2020 by Anjum
The basic aim for creating any website or blog post is to have as many targeted visitors / readers as possible. These visitors or readers cannot come to your website if they don’t know about it. You will only get users if your website or blog post is found in places they are looking for. There are different forums or places where people look for information. Following are some of the most common ones:
a) Search Engines
Most of us when looking for any sort of information, we just Google it! The term ‘Google it’ is synonymous with searching for information on the Search Engine called Google. As google is the most widely used search engine in the world, the term ‘search on the web’ is now very much replaced by ‘Google It’. Apart from Google there are other popular search engines that people use. These include Bing, Yahoo, Yandex, Baidu and Ask etc. Yandex is mainly used in Russia whereas Baidu is the most widely used Search Engine in China.
b) Social Media
Social Media these days is so essential in people’s lives that they cannot live without it. Most of the time we are on social media be it day or night. There are many social media platforms that are widely used by people. Some of the most popular ones are Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, etc.
c) Online Forums / Communities
There are certain Online Forums and Communities that people use to gather information from. In these forums people ask questions and others give answers based on their knowledge and experience. These forums are very widely used as well. Some of the most popular ones are Tripadvisor, Quora and Reddit etc.
If you can reach out to people through all these platforms than you can gather some quality targeted visitors or readers for your website / blog post. There are certain things that you can do to make your website or blog post available for people to find. Here’s what you can do:
As stated above you have to make sure that you reach out to people through as many ways as possible. The trick is to make sure that you can reach out in such a way that your target audience is attracted more and gets more attention rather then general public. Here are the things to do to get readers / visitors after publishing a blog post:
If you get this step right you will get a lot of organic traffic for your blog post without having to do much, but it is extremely difficult as to get visitors your post has to come up on the first page of Search Results in these Search engines. Each Search Engine has a different Algorithm that searches the web for the users query (Called ‘Keywords’) and presents results based on these keywords. Coming up on the first page is difficult and out of our control but is important as research suggests that people only look for the information on the first and second page and chances are slim that they will look beyond the first couple of pages. Here’s what you can do to increase your chances of a higher ranking in Search Engines:
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If you are using WordPress for blogging, you can install a free plugin “Yoast SEO” to check how SEO Friendly or Search Engine Friendly your blog post is. The plugin will tell you what are the issues with your post and how to resolve them. It will also show the Snippet preview of how your post will show in search results. You can edit that Snippet to make it look as you want. You need to add the Focus Keyphrase for your post to tell the search engines what your post is about. Once you get the green signal from Yoast SEO that means your blog post is now SEO Friendly and will have a great chance of coming up in the top pages of search results.
You need to create and submit a new sitemap after publishing each new post. Follow our other post if you don’t know the procedure:
After creating the sitemap and uploading it into your root folder, you need to submit it to different webmasters for indexing. Following are the webmasters to whom you should submit the sitemap after each post:
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Once you are done submitting the sitemap to the webmasters, the next step is to add the link of your new post to these webmasters for them to crawl. Just copy the link of your new blog post and add it to each webmaster. Procedure for each is as follows:
- GOOGLE SEARCH CONSOLE: Click on your domain name in the top left corner and then click Add Property. After that paste the link of your new blog under URL Prefix and click continue. Google Search Console will verify automatically that the link is indeed yours and then will add the link under your domain.
- BING WEBMASTER TOOLS: Click on Configure my Site and Click on Submit URLs. Paste the link of your new blog post and click submit.
- YANDEX WEBMASTER: Go to Indexing and then Important Page Monitoring and Paste the link of your new blog post and click Track.
- BAIDU WEBMASTER: Go to Data Introduction and click Link Submission. Click on Manual Submission and paste the link of your new blog post and submit it.
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The second step will be to reach out to your potential readers through Social Media. A great advantage of social media is that you can find like minded people easily and therefore you can reach out to your target audience quite conveniently. Take the example of Facebook, where you have groups which are related to all sorts of interests like Travel, Technology, Horoscope, Sports and what not. You name it and there will be a Facebook Group for it. If you can share your new blog post with groups related to your interests than it is very likely that people will come and read your blog.
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You should also create your own Social Media Pages and update them frequently so as to attract more and more readers for your blog. Here are few popular Social Media Platforms you should be using to market your new blog post:

Facebook is everywhere these days. There are people who live and breathe Facebook and cannot live without it. You can create your own page on Facebook and share your blogs there. You can also create or join groups of like minded people who have similar interests and share your blog post there to attract readers.
Instagram is the new trend and is getting popular by the day. People share pictures of all sorts on Instagram. You can create your own Instagram page and share pictures of your new blog post. Keep in mind that you cannot share links on posts as it is not allowed by Instagram. You can only share link in your BIO on your profile page, so you need to be creative and attract the readers to come to your profile page and click on the BIO link. Nonetheless it is important to keep presence on as many social media platforms as possible.
Twitter is also a great Social Media Platform for sharing your blogs. Because of its ease of use your blog can reach places. You just have to understand how to use Hashtags # in order to reach people who are looking for similar things. Making your Tweets public will also allow people to reach your blog.
The advantage of sharing your new blog post on Pinterest is that it can increase traffic to your website. A lot of people don’t know that there are millions of People who use Pinterest and look for information there. Hence, it is always a good idea to share your blog there as well.
There are various online forums and online communities that people use to look for information. The advantage of these forums is that you can post a direct question and people who have the knowledge or the experience will give you the answers. The correct solutions can be up voted so that people who have similar questions will know what solution worked for others. Most blogs are information sharing in a way to help others have a better experience. You can share your blog’s link in the solutions to the questions people might have if your content resolves their queries.
Online Forums and Communities also have Spaces where you can share your blogs or other stuff with like minded people. These Forums are very popular and most of the time when someone is in need of information they turn to these forums. Another advantage of sharing your blog’s links as solutions to questions is that when somebody searches the same question on search engines, more often then not questions from these online forums pop up in the first few results. It is very likely that the user will click on that question and if you have shared your link over there, chances are that the user will click on your link.
Some of the most popular Online Forums are as follows:
- Quora
- Tripadvisor
- Yahoo Answers
After you publish a blog, people will not get to know by themselves that there is a new post unless they are told in some way. Hence, it is important to market your blog post to as many people as possible.
If nobody is reading your content then there is no point in the content being as helpful and good. If it is not reaching the target audience than you are missing out on the aim of why you chose to write blogs in the first place. The basic aim of any website, be it blogs or any other type, is to get as many Visitors / Readers as possible. To do that, marketing of your blog is the most important factor that can make or break the success of the blog post.
Other Reads:
This post was on Things to do to get Readers / Visitors after Publishing a Blog Post.
Happy Reading!
1 Comment
Sabber Ahmad Rahiq · December 3, 2020 at 6:47 am
Nice and informative post. It’s helped me a lot. Because, I’m struggling to get organic traffic for my site. This article gives me a proper guideline. Thanks for sharing it.